Stainless Steel Cleaner
Stainless steel, or stainless steel, is a wear-resistant material and can be perfectly maintained with the right stainless steel cleaner. It is suitable for processing in parts and surfaces for both indoor and outdoor use. It is therefore often found in establishments of companies and the catering industry. Contrary to what most may think, stainless steel is not completely free of (fly) rust and maintenance. Stainless steel contains an oxide layer that provides the steel with a protective layer. Stainless steel is also able to repair damage itself.
Even the strongest materials require maintenance. As a result, it is necessary to handle several types of cleaners to get the desired glossy result. But which type of stainless steel cleaner do you need for which type of veruling?
Different types of contamination on stainless steel
Stainless steel has a good corrosion-resistant property, but it is important to use the right stainless steel cleaner for the different types of contamination.
Stainless steel cleaner for inorganic pollution
Inorganic pollution or atmospheric pollution is pollution that originates from non-living organisms. The most common examples of this are:
- Chalk
- (Fly)Rust
- Ferric chloride
- Heavy metals
- phosphates
- Sulfates
- Nitrates
- Black deposit
To remove this contamination as effectively as possible, an acidic stainless steel cleaner is therefore required. A professional acid cleaner has a high acidity and will therefore deliver an effective result in the correct dilution.
Check out our solution here .
Stainless steel cleaner for organic pollution
Organic pollution comes from living organisms. These are common organic contaminants that occur on stainless steel:
- Fat
- Grease
- Food residues
- Filthy
This type of pollution can be removed with an alkaline cleaner. An alkaline cleaner is always degreasing and therefore not suitable for removing rust and lime. Because greasy pollution is acidic in its base, it needs an alkaline cleaner.
Check out our solution here .
Stainless Steel Polish
To keep stainless steel looking like new, it is optional to use a polish. A polish cleans and protects the stainless steel in one, and also makes the stainless steel shine. The protective effect prevents rapid re-soiling and the polishing effect ensures a glossy effect.
Check out our solution here .
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